Black art is more than ceremonial masks.

Our show at High Point Market featured a rich variety of highly textured pieces and furniture, created and curated by BADG Makers.

Our work illustrates experiences deeply rooted in black culture, utilizing iconic characteristics of black art and design, such as figurative motifs, traditional handmade processes, bold colors and textures—all packaged in a modern design aesthetic.

When BADG had the opportunity to curate an exhibition at Plant 7 at Congdon Yards, High Point’s collaborative community space, we knew that we needed to create an experience that enriched the lives of Black Makers, while also issuing a call to arms to the wider industry.

Curated by BADG founding member Leyden Lewis, the exhibition found a common thread among our fine artists, ceramicists, textile, and furniture designers to create a rhythm of diverse mediums, styles, and product categories.


By looking through the lens of ceremonial pieces and how those works of art have historically shown up in luxury interiors, “Beyond the Mask” traced connections to ancestral artistry, while highlighting an abstraction and contextless rife in the industry. “Beyond the Mask” emboldened our community and is a vivid display of what future partners and collaborators can expect from BADG.


We are here, our work exceeds expectations,
and is reflective of a diversity of experiences.



'Beyond the Mask' offers a way for Black artists and designers to challenge and expand the current perception of Black art.



Meet the Designers

The multi-disciplinary showcase included works across the spaces of fine art, ceramics, furniture, and textiles from Cey Adams, Lani Adeoye, Malene Barnett, Dana Baugh, Freya Bramble-Carter, Sheila Bridges, Marie Burgos, Niqui Carter, Marlon Darbeau, Johanna Howard, Lisa Hunt, Júlio Leitão, Lionel Lewis, Valerie Louis, Jomo Tariku, Glenyse Thompson, and Haidya Williams.